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How to Test Seed for Goodness before Ploughing

How to Test Seed for Goodness before Ploughing

It’s always better to be safe than sorry when it regards to planting your garden. The last thing you want is all that hard work in collecting seeds and dirt from home improvement projects or even just aging through lawns. Not only does testing them ensure success, but also helps avoid any unnecessary losses due to poor germination rates.

Poor-quality seeds will not yield good results, no matter how well you care for them. You will end up wasting your time, money, and effort.

There are a few key ways to test your seeds for quality:

Starting a garden is an exciting process, but it doesn’t have to be difficult and frustrating. By following these easy instructions, you can confirm that your plants thrive.
There are two common ways to test seed quality:

  1. The float test
  2. The germination test.

We’ll start by performing a float test:

The float test is the simplest way to test a small batch of seeds. Fill a bowl with water and add your seeds. Let them sit for about 15 minutes. Then, check to see which seeds have floated to the top and those that sink to the bottom. The seeds that have floated are not usable means they have lost the ability to germinate. Discard those seeds.

The seeds that have sunk to the bottom are good to use.

Secondly, we conduct a germination test:

The germination test is a more accurate way to test seed quality, but it takes a bit long time. But If you want to examine a Big batch of seeds. This method is more beneficial.

Start by soaking your seeds in water for 24 hours. Then, place them on a damp paper towel and roll them up. Put the paper towel in a plastic bag and place it in a warm spot or direct sunlight. Be sure to label your seed container (Plastic bag) with the plant name and the date you put it on.

Water lightly and place the container Check on your seeds every day, and make sure they stay moist. If they are drying up, mist them with water. After about a week, you should see some seeds germinating.
After 7-10 days, you should see signs of germination (little sprouts). If the seeds are not sprouted, they are not usable. You could discard them.

The percentage of seeds that germinate will give you an idea of the quality of your seeds.


It’s vital to test your seeds before planting them. Seed quality is a crucial factor in the success of your garden, and poor-quality seeds will not yield good results.

If you take extra time to test your seeds before planting, it can save you a lot of frustration later on. You can effortlessly examine the seeds by using these methods.

You may also find that this testing process helps assess the quality of potential purchases from other farmers or suppliers.


Q: How long does the Seed testing process take?

A: The float test is the quickest way to test Seed quality, and it only takes a few minutes if you only have a few seeds to check The float test will give you a quick indication of Seed quality.

The germination test is a more accurate way to test Seed quality, but it is a longer process.
But if you want to test a large batch of seeds, the germination test is the best way to go.

Q: How often should I test my Seed?

A: Seed quality can change over time, so it’s important to test your Seed before each planting season. This will ensure that you are using high-quality Seed and that your plants can thrive.

Q: What do I do with the Seed that doesn’t pass the test?

A: You should discard those seeds, as they are not usable.
It is better to plant those seeds that are high in quality. As poor-quality seeds can yield the result.

Thank you for reading! We hope this article was helpful. Seed quality is an important factor in the success of your garden, and we hope that you now feel confident in testing Seed quality. Good luck, and happy gardening!

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